Seniors ages 55+ have a great impact on the life of our church at Hopedale Baptist. They are leaders, servants, teachers, listeners, greeters, encouragers, and most important…family! We believe that all generations make an impact at Hopedale Baptist and in our community. We seek to encourage and strengthen that impact through our ministry with senior adults. We offer several ministry opportunities and groups for seniors.

Monthly Gatherings
SPEEDERS- Speeders is a monthly Senior Adult gathering which features a guest presenter that seeks to entertain, inform, or minister to seniors in our church and community. These presentations are followed with a carry-in fellowship lunch. Speeders meet on the 4th Thursday of the month.
SAVVY SENIORS- We like to keep Seniors active and going. Each month there is an activity that takes place for Seniors to join. Our Senior Activities Council plans and prepares these activities throughout the year. These activities include trips, concerts, service projects, dinners, and much more.
SAVVY SENIORS- We like to keep Seniors active and going. Each month there is an activity that takes place for Seniors to join. Our Senior Activities Council plans and prepares these activities throughout the year. These activities include trips, concerts, service projects, dinners, and much more.

Homebound & Nursing Home Ministry
Seniors that live in nearby care facilities are an important part of our Senior ministry. Our Sunday School classes and other Senior ministry groups do a wonderful job visiting and checking up on our homebound members. When needed and possible we do offer transportation to church for those Seniors who are unable to drive.